Have you ever had a moment of clarity when you realize life circumstances are bringing you down and you just don’t want that to happen? I have to admit in the past when things got complicated and hurtful I tended to allow the hurt to hover over me like it was in charge. It would sink into my gut and it would take over my thoughts. I’d allow myself to go into dark places of hopelessness even if just for a short while.
I always felt icky afterward… Like I had to bring myself back into reality and remind myself that aside from the hardships… big picture… life is actually good. Objectively I know that all things can improve. All things can grow and morph. It isn’t over till we’re dead.
So I’ve had a hard couple of weeks. It’s really a lot of things. Not one single thing that breaks it all down but many that still need improvement. And that’s life. We never arrive. We’ll always need to heal more, grow more, learn more, adjust more.
I wrote a song a few weeks ago. I was hoping to get to share it with you and it seems there’s not a more appropriate time than now.
You’re standing at the cusp of personal growth. You can sink or swim. But I urge you to fight.
Don’t allow life to tell you who you are. Don’t allow the brokenness of others to define you. Don’t allow your own brokenness to define you. You are not the sum of what life has given you. You are only in part the sum of how you’ve responded. The rest is up to discovery. Because you were designed with intent. You are on purpose. You are a force to be reckoned with. You are, in fact, loved and cherished.
The broken people around you only have a hold if you allow them to. We have to accept our present and then charge into our future forgiving those that have hurt and robbed us. There’s no other start to freedom’s path.
It’s as if you are standing at a door. Refusing to knock because the key is forgiveness and you don’t want to let go. But you have to. You have to choose to release them and release yourself in order to step into that door and see what’s on the other side.
Our filters can keep us from seeing all of the good. Forgiving the creeps and the jerks and the liars and the cheaters it helps us take off the negative filters. It doesn’t condone them. It sets YOU FREE.
It’s like a deep breath. As you exhale the tension goes with it. It’s not saying you trust them… but it’s saying you no longer control them and they no longer control you.
This song is for you. It’s brand new. It’s called fight because more than anything I want those who feel no hope to have hope restored and to get up and fight for their lives.
She’s got her eye on the prize pulling from deep within
She’s choosing life again, her motivational wind
Did you know you can fear both death and life
The debate must subside
She’s got her eye on the prize
Get up, Get up, Get up and do what you have to
Get up, Get up, Get up and fight
Get up, Get up, Get up, tear down what destroys you
Get up, Get up, Get up and fight
He told you, you were alone, worthless and broken down
She let you go, disowned, now you won’t hold your own
Did you know the world needs you or you wouldn’t be here
The debate must subside
Get your eye on the prize
Get up, Get up, Get up and do what you have to
Get up, Get up, Get up and fight
Get up, Get up, Get up, tear down what destroys you
Get up, Get up, Get up and fight
When all the walls are broken down
and you look in the mirror and see the crown
You’ll know it was worth it, all the pain was worth it
You have to climb the mountain now
or tell it to come down
The prize is all that you are being resurrected just to be free
So Get up, Get up, Get up and fight
Thanks so much for being here! I don’t take it lightly!
I’m an Indie-Folk singer-songwriter who passionately loves people. If you’ve stumbled on this blog and didn’t know it by now I also share music from time to time.
Follow me on social media! You can also head back to the home page and subscribe to the music as well. 🙂
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Love your fight song. You are an amazing warrior for our King. Thanks for encouraging other hurting women. Love you.
Awe! Thank you so much, Bobi! That means the world to me. 🙂
I really needed to read this, this week has been super hard for me. Trifling to get of depression medication to take that step of faith in God. Yesterday was the biggest low I have had since I got off of it and I literally forgot to fight until last night before my Christmas party. It wasn’t until I left the house a ball bag feeling lower than I have felt in weeks. To read your blog and hear this song after the struggle I had last night is a breath of fresh air. The prize is all that your being resurrected just to be free is so powerful to me. That’s the beauty of the Lord we are resurrected into freedom and I forget that at times. I asked God last night how to fight through this because it’s going to be a hard walk some days until the medication is completely detoxed for my body. I feel like God just showed me a little piece of how I can through this song so thank you for sharing Wendy. God has truly blessed you with you word and song.
Hey! Thank you so much for sharing. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this! You are so valuable. Not just to your beautiful girls and your husband but to the world. The lows are the most difficult time to fight but the most necessary. I love that I got to encourage you at that moment. I’m here for you. Your heart is pure and I know one day you’ll encourage others who are going through this. You’ll look back realize how much you’ve healed and how free your heart is. Your destiny is joy and peace and confidence. It takes courage to fight. But you’ve got this and He’s got you.