Please Let Me Get To Hold Her
Leaving the dr.’s office was awful. The transparency of my tear streaked face, no longer baring mascara, it was long gone. I knew they knew. They knew something was wrong with my baby. Every person I walked past… I could feel their empathy, shock, shallow sadness for poor me.
Feelings Vs. Choices
I’m holding myself accountable today. I’ve given the advice before “don’t let your feelings choose your path.” “I feel like going for a walk today.” “I feel like Chinese.” “I feel like getting my master’s in biology.” “I don’t feel like folding laundry.” “I don’t feel...
Why You’re Not Dreaming For The Future
I have seen a vast gap in the people I encounter on social media lately. People I love and care for. 1) There are those with lofty ideas and goals and lots of discipline and drive. 2) There are those who are living life just to live. They vary from just working and...
Wendy is a stay at home mom of four tiny humans ranging from ages one to nine and the wife of a former U.S. Army Staff Sergeant. In addition to music and blogging, Wendy, homeschools, teaches at her kids’ homeschooling co-op, volunteers with a ministry called SOZO that helps people overcome unhealthy habits, hang-ups and addictions and aspires, with her husband, to build a self-sustaining homestead.
She has always filled journals with poetry but nearly moments after learning her first three guitar chords she was writing songs. Her passions are two-fold. Write music that’s relatable and connect with the broken or downtrodden. She just plain loves people.
Wendy is an acoustic rock singer-songwriter with inspiring lyrics, soothing delivery, and intricate guitar. Her delicate truthfulness is known to hug the soul while articulating even the most difficult of topics. Her music has been called relatable and even healing.