Mindset Matters

Mindset Matters

If you’ve been reading my blog for a short while you know that I used to be a pessimist. Not really because I wanted to be but because I had been let down. A lot. It hurt to hope for something good when I really didn’t believe anymore that the good was coming....
8 Skills For Life Balance

8 Skills For Life Balance

Can I be practical today? I’ve talked a lot about healthy living from a mental and emotional point of view and I want to add some things in. I’m talking from my own experience but I feel that this can apply to any lifestyle. Anyone from a bachelor working a full-time...


I recently was a part of a coaching call where the speaker kept talking about principles. He kept saying, “you can’t go wrong if you just go back to the principles.” He was talking about business principles and I kept thinking “what are they though? What are the...
Today is Today

Today is Today

I have found myself walking a strange path lately. If you keep up with my blog you know that there was a time when I was really broken. Hardship in life would absolutely level me out. The death of my father wrecked me. The death of two friends last year shredded my...

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