by Wendy Nichol | Mar 17, 2019 | Behind The Music
Life is SUPPOSED to be a journey. Experiences. Relationships. Important decisions. Excitement. Life altering lessons. Full of wonder. Taking true ownership of what is given to us. Life is supposed to be breath-taking and beautiful. Unfortunately, there can’t be a deep...
by Wendy Nichol | Mar 10, 2019 | Weekly Writing
I’ve learned an incredible lesson on mindset recently and it’s from the silliest of life circumstances. I almost find it comical that I’m going to share from this perspective on mommying, but I hope you’ll stick with me. Because this is a life lesson that will apply...
by Wendy Nichol | Jan 7, 2019 | Weekly Writing
I said something to a friend this last week that stuck with me. Sometimes my own words do that. They pop out of my mouth and then actually speak to me while speaking to the other person. I said, “when I had zero mommying skills I wasn’t FAILING as mom. I was...
by Wendy Nichol | Dec 28, 2018 | Weekly Writing
Can I be practical today? I’ve talked a lot about healthy living from a mental and emotional point of view and I want to add some things in. I’m talking from my own experience but I feel that this can apply to any lifestyle. Anyone from a bachelor working a full-time...